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25 Business Ideas to Start Under $1000

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Carolyn Young is a business writer who focuses on entrepreneurial concepts and the business formation. She has over 25 years of experience in business roles, and has authored several entrepreneurship textbooks.

Edited by:

David has been writing and learning about business, finance and globalization for a quarter-century, starting with a small New York consulting firm in the 1990s.

25 Business Ideas to Start Under $1000

It might seem hard to believe, but it’s totally possible to start a business for less than $1,000 and build a successful company. If you have a skilled hobby, such as sewing or pottery, you could start a craft business. You could be a personal trainer or chef, a photographer, a handyman, or even sell stickers. 

Being an entrepreneur doesn’t need to be expensive. It’s much more important that you are willing to do all you can to build up a reputation for quality and reliability. That sort of commitment doesn’t cost anything, but it might just be the secret to your success. 

Read our list of business ideas under $1000 and start considering the possibilities.

1. Handmade Craft Sales

How to start a craft business

Your primary costs for a handmade craft business will be materials and tools. For example, if you make jewelry, you might need beads, wires, and pliers, which can cost around $300. You can set up an online store on platforms like Etsy, which charges a small listing fee. Social media can help you market your crafts for free. Initially, you can create a few unique pieces to test the market and gradually expand your inventory based on customer demand.

2. SEO Consulting

seo consulting business idea

To start an SEO consulting business, invest in a few essential tools and software subscriptions. Tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Moz offer monthly plans starting at $99. A good laptop and reliable internet are also necessary, which you likely already have. Networking is key, so create a professional website and engage on platforms like LinkedIn. Offer free initial consultations to build a portfolio and get client testimonials. With minimal overhead costs, SEO consulting is a cost-effective business to start.

3. Cooking Class

How to start a cooking class business

Starting a cooking class business involves a few essential expenses. You will need basic cooking equipment, which can cost around $300 if you don’t already own it. Ingredients for your first class might cost another $100. Consider hosting classes in your home or renting a local community center. Marketing can be done through social media and local advertising. Starting with small, themed classes can help you gauge interest and expand as you gain more students.

4. Photography

How to start a photography business

Starting a photography business on a budget is feasible. Your main expense will be a good camera, which can be found for $500 – $700. Later on, you can invest in a high-end camera. Additional costs include editing software like Adobe Photoshop, which is about $20 per month. Build a portfolio by offering free sessions to friends and family. Create a simple website and use social media to showcase your work. As you gain experience, you can start charging for sessions and expand your equipment.

5. Makeup Artist Service

How to start a makeup business

Becoming a makeup artist requires investing in quality makeup products and tools, costing around $600. You will also need a professional kit bag. Practice on friends and family to build a portfolio. Social media is crucial for marketing; Instagram is particularly effective for showcasing your work. Offer your services for events like weddings and parties. Over time, you can invest in more high-end products and take advanced courses to enhance your skills.

6. Web Design

How to start a web design business

Starting a web design business requires a reliable computer and software like Adobe Creative Cloud, which costs about $60 per month. You can also use free or cheaper alternatives like GIMP or Canva for basic design needs. Build a portfolio by creating websites for friends or local businesses. Use platforms like LinkedIn and freelance websites to find clients. Your initial investment is minimal compared to the potential income, making it a scalable business idea.

7. Personal Training

How to start a online personal training business

To start a personal training business, you need basic fitness equipment like resistance bands and dumbbells, costing around $200. You may also need certification, which can cost about $300. Use social media to market your services and offer free initial sessions to attract clients. Training can be done at local parks or clients’ homes to avoid gym rental fees. As your client base grows, you can invest in more equipment and advanced certifications.

8. Tree Trimming

How to Start a Tree Service

Starting a tree trimming business requires purchasing basic equipment like pruning shears, a chainsaw, and safety gear, which can cost around $700. You might also need a truck or a way to transport your tools. Get the word out by distributing flyers in your local area and advertising online. Offering competitive rates and quality service can help you build a loyal customer base. Over time, invest in more advanced equipment and training.

9. Accounting

How to start a accounting firm

To start an accounting firm, you will need accounting software like QuickBooks, which costs about $25 per month. A reliable computer and internet connection are also necessary. Networking is key, so create a professional website and join local business groups. Offer your services to small businesses and freelancers who need help with bookkeeping and taxes. As you gain more clients, consider additional certifications to enhance your credibility.

10. Copywriting

How to start a copywriting business

If you want to become a professional copywriter, all you need is a computer and internet connection. Invest in grammar and style tools like Grammarly, which costs about $12 per month (Premium version). Build a portfolio by writing for free or low rates initially. Use freelance websites and social media to find clients. Focus on niches you are passionate about, like technology or health, to stand out. With minimal overhead, copywriting can be a highly profitable business.

11. Crystal Healing

How to start a crystal business

Starting a crystal healing business involves purchasing a variety of crystals and stones, which can cost around $300. You will also need a comfortable space for sessions, which could be a room in your home. Create a website to market your services and explain the benefits of crystal healing. Social media can be a great way to reach potential clients. Consider offering free initial sessions to build your client base and gather testimonials.

12. Sticker Business

How to start a sticker business

Launching a sticker business is affordable. Your main expenses will be a printer, sticker paper, and design software like Adobe Illustrator, totaling around $600. You can start by creating unique designs and selling them on platforms like Etsy or your own website. Social media is an excellent way to promote your products. Over time, you can invest in a professional cutting machine to increase production efficiency.

13. Proofreading

How to Start a Proofreading Business

Similar to a copywriting business, starting a proofreading business requires a reliable computer and internet connection. You might want to subscribe to grammar checking tools like Grammarly, which costs about $30 per month. Market your services through freelance websites and social media. Offer free initial consultations to attract clients. Networking with writers and publishers can also help you build a steady stream of work.

14. Personal Chef

How to Start a Personal Chef Business

If you have experience as a personal chef, you can start your own business. All you’ll need is quality cookware and ingredients for your first few clients, costing around $700. Create a menu of your specialties and promote your services through social media and local advertising. Offer a few free or discounted meals to gather testimonials. You can cook at clients’ homes to avoid the cost of renting a commercial kitchen. As you gain more clients, invest in more specialized equipment.

15. Email Marketing Service

How to start a digital marketing agency

To offer a professional email marketing service, you will need a computer and email marketing software like Mailchimp, which offers low-cost plans. Create a professional website and use social media to market your services. Offer free consultations to attract clients. Focus on building a portfolio by helping small businesses create effective email campaigns. With low overhead costs, this business can be highly profitable.

16. Oil Change

How to start a oil change business

Starting an oil change business requires purchasing basic equipment like oil, filters, and tools, which can cost around $600. You might also need a reliable vehicle to reach your clients. Advertise your services through local flyers and social media. Offer competitive pricing and excellent service to build a loyal customer base. Over time, invest in more advanced equipment to expand your service offerings.

17. Landscaping Service

How to start a landscaping business

The equipment and tools needed to start a landscaping business include a lawnmower, trimmer, and gardening tools, costing around $800. You may also need a vehicle to transport your equipment. Market your services through local advertising and social media. Offer competitive pricing and excellent customer service to build a loyal client base. As you gain more clients, invest in more advanced tools and equipment.

18. Handyman Service

How to start a handyman business

Starting a handyman service requires skills and the purchase of tools, depending on the services you plan to offer. Some common tools include a drill, screwdriver set, and wrench set, costing around $600. You might also need a reliable vehicle to reach your clients. Advertise your services through local flyers and social media. Offer competitive pricing and excellent service to build a loyal customer base. Over time, invest in more specialized tools to expand your service offerings.

19. Virtual Assistant

How to start a virtual assistant business

All you need to start a virtual assistant business is a computer and a reliable internet connection. You might also want to invest in project management software like Trello or Asana, which have free and low-cost plans. Market your services through freelance websites and social media. Offer competitive rates and excellent service to build a loyal client base. As you gain more clients, consider investing in additional software and training to enhance your skills.

20. Social Media Management

social media management

As with many other online businesses, you need a computer and an internet connection to offer social media services. You might also want to invest in social media management tools like Hootsuite or Buffer, which have free and low-cost plans. Create a professional website and use social media to market your services. Offer free initial consultations to attract clients. Focus on building a portfolio by helping small businesses manage their social media accounts. With low overhead costs, this business can be highly profitable.

21. Pet Sitting

How to start a pet sitting business

Your primary costs for a pet sitting business will be for marketing materials, such as flyers and business cards, which can cost around $50. You might also want to invest in pet care supplies like leashes, treats, and toys, totaling around $100. Create a profile on pet-sitting websites like Rover to reach potential clients. Offering reliable, loving care for pets in their homes can quickly build a loyal client base.

22. Dog Walking

How to start a dog walking business

To start a dog walking business, you need basic supplies like leashes, poop bags, and treats, which will cost around $50. Advertising your services through local flyers and social media is essential. Create a profile on dog-walking websites to find clients. Building trust with pet owners through consistent, reliable service will help you grow your business. Offering additional services like pet sitting can also increase your income.

23. Tutoring Service

How to start a tutoring business

Starting a tutoring service requires a computer, internet connection, and educational materials, which you likely already have. You might also want to invest in advertising, such as local flyers and online ads, costing around $100. Choose subjects you are knowledgeable in and market your services to parents and students through social media and local community boards. Offering the first session for free can help attract clients. Building a reputation for effective, personalized tutoring will help your business grow.

24. House Cleaning

How to start a cleaning business

When starting a house cleaning business, you will need to purchase cleaning supplies and equipment, such as a vacuum, cleaning solutions, and mops, totaling around $600. Advertise your services through local flyers and social media. Offering competitive pricing and excellent service will help you build a loyal client base. You can start by cleaning homes for friends and family to gather testimonials and referrals. As your business grows, consider investing in more advanced cleaning equipment.

25. Dropshipping

How to Start a Dropshipping Business

Before starting a dropshipping business, you need to choose a niche product and find reliable suppliers. The next step is to set up an online store, which can be done on platforms like Shopify for around $29 per month. You don’t need to purchase inventory upfront, which significantly reduces startup costs. Invest in marketing, such as social media ads and search engine optimization, costing around $300. With low overhead and the ability to scale quickly, dropshipping can be a highly profitable business.


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25 Business Ideas to Start Under $1000