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21 Best Business Ideas to Start in Alaska

Written by:

Esther is a business strategist with over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, executive, educator, and management advisor.

Edited by:

David has been writing and learning about business, finance and globalization for a quarter-century, starting with a small New York consulting firm in the 1990s.

21 Best Business Ideas to Start in Alaska

The Northern Lights and midnight sun, glaciers and national parks are among Alaska’s stunning tourist attractions. The US’ northernmost state is today in recovery mode, with leisure and recreation creating more jobs and generating more revenue after the losses of the pandemic. 

That means now is a great time to start a business in Alaska, like opening a seafood company or a firewood business. Baking cakes, frozen food, and gift baskets might also work. Explore our list of brilliant business ideas in Alaska and start your entrepreneurial journey today!

1. Warehouse

How to start a warehouse business

Alaska, with its unique geographical location, serves as a strategic point for shipping and receiving goods, especially for businesses involved in trade with Russia and other parts of the North Pacific region. Moreover, with its booming tourism and seafood industries, there’s a consistent need for storage solutions both short-term and long-term.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Identify key cities like Anchorage, Fairbanks, or Juneau with the most commercial activity to set up your warehouse.
  2. Ensure that the warehouse has good insulation, considering Alaska’s extreme cold temperatures.
  3. Collaborate with local businesses, especially seafood exporters, to understand their storage needs.
  4. Due to the long Alaskan nights in winter, invest in efficient lighting and heating systems.
  5. Understand and navigate the local regulations and permits related to warehousing in Alaska.

Remember, while the demand may be high, the operating costs in Alaska can also be significant due to its remote location. Efficient operations and strategic partnerships are key.

2. Real Estate

how to start a real estate business

Alaska offers a unique landscape, blending vast wilderness with urban life. Its appeal as a tourist destination, along with industries like oil, fishing, and timber, bring people for both short and long-term stays. This creates demand for property, both for purchase and rental. Additionally, Alaska’s Permanent Fund Dividend, an annual payment to residents, can act as a boost to homeownership for locals.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the diverse regions of Alaska, from urban Anchorage to more remote locales, to cater to varied property needs.
  2. Due to the state’s harsh weather conditions, properties need to be resilient. Understand the local building codes and standards.
  3. Partner with local businesses and industries to cater to employee housing needs.
  4. Given Alaska’s seasonal population changes, consider offering short-term rental options or vacation properties.
  5. Stay informed about the state’s tax benefits and incentives for homeowners and property investors.

Entering the Alaskan real estate market requires a deep understanding of both the local environment and the unique needs of its residents and transient workers.

3. Health Care

How to start a home health care business

Alaska’s vast and remote landscape means many communities have limited access to comprehensive health care services. With its unique challenges, from seasonal affective disorders due to long winters to physical injuries from rugged lifestyles, there’s a clear demand for health care services.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Consider mobile clinics or telehealth services to reach remote communities and provide consistent care.
  2. Invest in training and resources for conditions more prevalent in Alaska, such as cold-related injuries or vitamin D deficiencies.
  3. Partner with native communities to understand their specific health needs and offer culturally appropriate care.
  4. Given the higher cost of living and remote nature of many areas, consider offering competitive salaries or benefits to attract and retain health professionals.
  5. Stay updated on state and federal funding opportunities, as Alaska often receives grants to improve health care infrastructure.

Launching a health care venture in Alaska is as much about understanding its unique demographic and geographic challenges as it is about delivering quality care. Tailored solutions will be key to success.

4. Retail

retail store business idea

With its unique culture and environment, Alaska has a distinct market for both local and imported goods. Tourists, especially those on cruises, often seek Alaskan souvenirs, artisan products, and native crafts. Meanwhile, locals, especially in more remote areas, require reliable access to everyday goods. The seasonal influx of tourists and workers in industries like fishing and oil can also spike demand.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Understand the local demand. In tourist-heavy areas, Alaskan-themed products might sell well, while in remote regions, essentials might be more sought after.
  2. Given Alaska’s distance from the continental U.S., inventory management and efficient supply chains are crucial to avoid stockouts.
  3. Embrace e-commerce and delivery solutions, especially for residents in hard-to-reach areas.
  4. Consider the challenges posed by the extreme weather conditions, ensuring your store’s infrastructure is resilient and energy-efficient.
  5. Foster relationships with local artisans and suppliers to offer authentic Alaskan products, enhancing your store’s appeal.

While Alaska presents unique challenges for retail, understanding the local market and adapting to its seasonal and geographical demands can pave the way for a thriving business.

5. Construction

How to start a construction company

Alaska’s ongoing infrastructural development, coupled with a need for housing and facilities tailored to its unique climate and geography, presents a myriad of opportunities for the construction industry. Projects can range from residential housing in growing urban areas to specialized structures like oil rigs or fishing facilities. Moreover, the state often prioritizes infrastructural improvements, and there can be government incentives or contracts available.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Understand Alaska’s specific building codes, which often address the state’s unique challenges such as permafrost and extreme cold.
  2. Invest in training crews on how to work safely in Alaska’s conditions, including managing shorter daylight hours in winter.
  3. Source and familiarize yourself with materials suited for Alaskan climates, like advanced insulating materials or frost-resistant foundations.
  4. Build strong relationships with local communities, as understanding their specific needs can lead to more successful projects.
  5. Keep abreast of state and federal funding or contracts related to infrastructure development, as these can be significant revenue sources.

Successful construction in Alaska hinges on marrying industry best practices with a deep understanding of the state’s unique challenges and opportunities.

6. Seafood Business

How to start a fish farming business

Alaska’s coastal waters are teeming with a variety of seafood, including salmon, crab, and halibut, making it a global hub for seafood export. The state’s reputation for clean, cold waters and sustainable fishing practices enhances the value and appeal of its seafood products. With both a strong local demand and an international market eager for Alaskan seafood, there’s significant potential for growth.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Understand the various seafood seasons in Alaska, ensuring you harvest at peak times for quality and sustainability.
  2. Develop relationships with local fishers or cooperatives to ensure a consistent and fresh supply of seafood.
  3. Given the perishable nature of seafood, prioritize robust cold storage facilities and efficient transport solutions.
  4. Familiarize yourself with international export regulations and market preferences if you’re considering exporting.
  5. Lean into sustainable practices and certifications, as these can enhance the market value and global appeal of your products.

In the Alaskan seafood business, maintaining the balance between resource sustainability and commercial viability is crucial. Keeping abreast of environmental best practices will pave the way for long-term success.

7. Snow Plowing

How to start a snow plowing business

Snow accumulation is a regular part of life in Alaska, with some areas experiencing heavy snowfall for extended periods. Snow plowing services are essential for maintaining access to roads, businesses, and homes, ensuring the safety and functionality of communities. With regular demand, snow plowing is a practical business that addresses a fundamental need.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Invest in durable and reliable equipment designed to handle Alaska’s extreme conditions and substantial snow accumulations.
  2. Offer a range of services, from residential driveways to larger contracts like business parking lots or community roads.
  3. Establish clear pricing structures, possibly with seasonal packages or subscription-based models, to ensure consistent business.
  4. Stay updated on weather forecasts and be ready to deploy services quickly after significant snowfalls to meet immediate demands.
  5. Develop strong relationships with local businesses and communities, ensuring you’re their go-to service when snow plowing is needed.

Operating a snow plowing business in Alaska requires reliability, quick response times, and understanding the specific needs of various clients. With the right approach and equipment, it’s a business that can thrive given the state’s climatic conditions.

8. Car Wash

How to start a car wash business

Alaska’s rugged terrain and variable weather conditions, especially in winter with its road salts and grime, create a consistent need for car wash services. For many Alaskans, vehicles are not just a mode of transportation but a vital lifeline, especially in more remote areas. Keeping them clean and maintained is essential for both function and longevity.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Considering Alaska’s cold climates, invest in facilities that can operate efficiently in low temperatures and perhaps even offer undercarriage washes to remove salt and grime.
  2. For environmental considerations and efficiency, look into water-recycling systems to conserve water usage.
  3. Given the extended daylight in summer, consider extending operating hours during these months to maximize business.
  4. Offer subscription or loyalty programs for locals to ensure repeat business, especially during off-peak seasons.
  5. Collaborate with local automotive businesses for cross-promotions or package deals to increase visibility and patronage.

Starting a car wash in Alaska requires understanding both the environmental challenges and the essential role vehicles play in residents’ lives. Prioritizing efficient operations and strong community connections can lead to success.

9. Fishing Charter

Alaska, with its sprawling coastline and rich marine biodiversity, is a dream destination for anglers worldwide. From halibut to salmon, the waters offer a diverse and abundant fishing experience. A fishing charter taps into the tourism market, catering to both amateur and experienced fishers eager to experience the thrill of Alaskan fishing.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Invest in reliable and safe boats equipped for Alaska’s variable marine conditions.
  2. Ensure that you and your crew have the required licenses and are well-versed in local fishing regulations and sustainable practices.
  3. Offer a range of trips, from half-day excursions to multi-day adventures, catering to different skill levels and preferences.
  4. Collaborate with local hotels, lodges, and tour operators for package deals or referrals to attract tourists.
  5. Highlight the unique Alaskan fishing experience in your marketing, showcasing both the catch and the breathtaking natural backdrop.

Running a fishing charter in Alaska is about offering both a memorable fishing experience and an intimate encounter with the state’s natural beauty. Maintaining safety standards and promoting sustainable fishing practices will enhance your business’s reputation and longevity.

10. Woodworking Shop

How to start a woodworking business

Alaska boasts an abundance of natural resources, including various unique types of wood. With its rich indigenous cultures and art forms, there’s a tradition of woodworking and carving in the state, ranging from totem poles to intricate crafts. A woodworking shop can cater to both local demands for furniture and artisanal goods and tourists seeking authentic Alaskan souvenirs.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Source local woods, such as Sitka spruce or yellow cedar, to produce items with an authentic Alaskan touch.
  2. Offer workshops or classes to engage with the community and tourists, sharing the art of woodworking and potentially generating additional income.
  3. Given Alaska’s distinct cultural heritage, consider collaborating with indigenous artisans to produce traditional items or designs.
  4. Ensure your workspace is well-insulated and heated, allowing for year-round operation despite the chilly Alaskan climate.
  5. Build an online presence, showcasing your products and potentially opening up e-commerce avenues to reach a broader audience.

In Alaska, a woodworking shop can merge tradition with contemporary designs, producing items that resonate both locally and globally. Maintaining sustainable practices and fostering community ties can set the foundation for a thriving venture.

11. Tutoring

How to start a tutoring business

In a state as vast and diverse as Alaska, quality education and individualized attention can be challenging to access for everyone, especially in remote areas. Tutoring services can fill these gaps, offering personalized instruction that complements school curricula and caters to individual learning paces. With the increasing trend towards online learning, there’s an opportunity to reach even the most isolated students.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Gauge the primary needs of your community: Is there a demand for specific subjects, standardized test prep, or assistance with online schooling?
  2. Consider blending in-person sessions with virtual tutoring to cater to a wider demographic and adjust to changing learning environments.
  3. Collaborate with local schools to get insights on curricula and areas where students typically struggle.
  4. Develop a referral program, encouraging satisfied students and parents to spread the word about your services.
  5. Stay updated with technological tools and platforms that enhance virtual learning experiences, making sessions more interactive and engaging.

A successful tutoring business in Alaska will merge local insights with global teaching trends, ensuring students get the support they need to excel academically.

12. Photography

How to start a photography business

Alaska is a haven of natural beauty, with its majestic landscapes, diverse wildlife, and captivating auroras. This offers a plethora of opportunities for photographers. From capturing the magic of the Northern Lights to shooting events like weddings against the backdrop of Alaskan vistas, there’s a demand both locally and from tourists.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Specialize in a niche, whether it’s landscape, wildlife, event, or portrait photography, given Alaska’s diverse photographic opportunities.
  2. Invest in equipment suited for Alaska’s extreme conditions, such as weatherproof cameras or tripods designed for rugged terrains.
  3. Offer photography tours or workshops, attracting tourists eager to capture Alaska’s beauty under professional guidance.
  4. Build a robust online portfolio, showcasing your work and making it easier for potential clients to discover and contact you.
  5. Network with local businesses, like lodges, tour operators, or event planners, to establish partnerships and referrals.

In Alaska, the art of photography is not just about technical skill but also understanding the unique interplay of light, landscapes, and wildlife.

13. Frozen Food

How to start a frozen food business

Given Alaska’s remote nature and the challenges associated with fresh food supply, especially in winter, frozen food is not just a convenience but often a necessity. This sector ensures that residents have access to a variety of foods year-round. Furthermore, Alaska’s bountiful seafood harvest provides an opportunity for local frozen seafood products that can be distributed both within and outside the state.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Identify local produce, like seafood or berries, that can be frozen and offered as premium Alaskan products.
  2. Ensure top-notch freezing and storage facilities to maintain the quality and longevity of frozen items.
  3. Develop strong supply chain networks to distribute products efficiently across Alaska’s vast and sometimes hard-to-reach areas.
  4. Consider the export potential, especially for Alaskan specialties, and familiarize yourself with export regulations and market demands.
  5. Market the freshness and quality of your products, emphasizing any sustainable or local sourcing practices to appeal to health-conscious consumers.

Frozen food in Alaska bridges the gap between nature’s bounty and logistical challenges. With a focus on quality, sustainability, and efficient distribution, businesses in this sector can thrive.

14. Shipping Service

How to Start a Freight Forwarding Business

Alaska’s vast territory, remote locations, and limited road infrastructure mean that many communities rely heavily on shipping services for goods, supplies, and mail. Whether it’s by sea, air, or land, efficient shipping ensures that Alaskans have access to essential items and that businesses can operate smoothly. With such intrinsic demand, a shipping service plays a crucial role in Alaska’s economy and daily life.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Determine your primary mode of transport: air, sea, or land, depending on the regions you aim to serve and the types of goods you’re shipping.
  2. Invest in reliable vehicles or vessels, keeping in mind Alaska’s challenging terrains and weather conditions.
  3. Build strong relationships with local businesses, understanding their specific shipping needs and offering tailored solutions.
  4. Offer tracking and efficient customer service, giving clients peace of mind and transparency about their shipments.
  5. Stay updated on regulations, especially if shipping across borders or transporting specialized goods like seafood or hazardous materials.

A successful shipping service in Alaska requires a combination of logistics expertise, local knowledge, and adaptability to the state’s unique challenges. By ensuring reliability and building trust, such a business can become indispensable to Alaskan communities.

15. Gift Basket Shop

How to start a gift basket business

Alaska offers a unique blend of local products, from handcrafted goods and indigenous art to gourmet seafood and wild berries. A gift basket shop can curate these items into attractive packages, catering to both locals celebrating special occasions and tourists seeking memorable souvenirs. The business taps into the rich cultural and natural bounty of Alaska, presenting it in an easily consumable and giftable format.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Source local products, emphasizing Alaska’s specialties like smoked salmon, handcrafted soaps, or artisanal chocolates.
  2. Offer customizable baskets, allowing customers to tailor their gifts to the recipient’s preferences.
  3. Develop partnerships with local artisans and producers, ensuring a consistent supply and possibly getting bulk discounts.
  4. Create themed baskets for various occasions, such as holidays, birthdays, or corporate events, broadening your customer base.
  5. Build an online storefront, making it easier for out-of-state customers to order Alaskan gift baskets and have them shipped.

A gift basket shop in Alaska is all about showcasing the state’s unique offerings in a thoughtful and curated manner. By emphasizing local products and providing customization options, you can cater to a diverse clientele seeking personalized gifts.

16. Food Packaging

How to start a food packaging business

Alaska’s rich agricultural and seafood industries produce a bounty of fresh foods, from salmon to berries. However, to distribute these products both within the state and beyond, efficient and protective packaging is essential. Proper food packaging ensures the freshness and quality of Alaskan produce, making it accessible to a wider audience and extending its shelf life.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Familiarize yourself with food safety and packaging regulations, ensuring your packaging solutions meet all necessary standards.
  2. Research and invest in packaging that withstands Alaska’s climate variations and the rigors of long-distance shipping.
  3. Collaborate with local food producers to understand their specific packaging needs and challenges, offering tailored solutions.
  4. Emphasize sustainable and eco-friendly packaging options, appealing to environmentally-conscious producers and consumers.
  5. Stay updated with technological advances in the packaging industry, ensuring your solutions are both innovative and efficient.

Starting a food packaging business in Alaska involves understanding the state’s unique food products and the challenges associated with preserving their quality. By offering effective, sustainable, and innovative packaging solutions, you can play a pivotal role in Alaska’s food distribution chain.

17. Firewood

How to start a firewood business

Given Alaska’s cold climate and extended winters, heating is not just a comfort but a necessity. Many residents rely on wood stoves or fireplaces as primary or supplementary heat sources. A firewood business can tap into this steady demand, providing a vital resource to Alaskans while capitalizing on the state’s abundant timber resources.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Source sustainable wood, ensuring that your business doesn’t contribute to deforestation. Consider working closely with logging companies or tree removal services for a consistent supply.
  2. Offer varied wood options, from fast-burning softwoods for kindling to hardwoods that provide longer-lasting heat.
  3. Invest in equipment to process and store firewood efficiently, ensuring it’s well-seasoned and ready to burn when sold.
  4. Promote the benefits of your wood, such as low moisture content or specific wood types, differentiating yourself from competitors.
  5. Deliver directly to customers, offering them the convenience of not having to transport bulky firewood themselves.

A firewood business in Alaska is about more than just selling logs; it’s about providing warmth and security. Prioritizing sustainability, quality, and customer convenience can help you establish a reliable and essential business in the state.

18. Videography

How to Start a Video Production Company

Alaska’s stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and unique cultural events offer a plethora of visual stories waiting to be captured. From documenting the ethereal beauty of the Northern Lights to covering local events and celebrations, there’s a continuous demand for skilled videographers. Additionally, businesses, tourists, and locals alike seek videography services for various projects, making it a viable entrepreneurial venture in the state.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Invest in high-quality equipment that can withstand Alaska’s diverse climatic conditions, ensuring you capture the best footage in any setting.
  2. Specialize in a niche, be it nature documentaries, wedding videography, or corporate projects, to establish a distinct market presence.
  3. Build a strong online portfolio, showcasing your work and making it easier for potential clients to discover and contact you.
  4. Network with local businesses, tourism boards, and event planners to gain referrals and stay updated on upcoming projects or events.
  5. Offer drone videography services, capturing Alaska’s vast landscapes from unique aerial perspectives, if regulations permit.

Videography in Alaska combines technical prowess with storytelling, encapsulating the state’s beauty and essence. Keeping updated with the latest techniques and understanding the local culture and environment will ensure your videography business thrives in the Alaskan market.

19. Cake Making

How to start a cake business

Everyone celebrates occasions, be it birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, or local festivities, and cakes often center these celebrations. In a state as vast as Alaska, having local cake makers ensures that fresh and customized cakes are accessible to communities. With Alaska’s unique flavors, like wild berries or Alaskan honey, there’s potential for distinct, region-inspired creations.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Incorporate local ingredients and flavors into your recipes, creating signature Alaskan-themed cakes.
  2. Take courses or workshops to continuously enhance your cake decorating and baking skills, keeping up with current trends.
  3. Offer a range of services, from ready-made cakes to fully customized orders, catering to different customer needs.
  4. Create an online presence with a portfolio, making it easier for clients to view your designs, place orders, and leave reviews.
  5. Partner with local event planners, restaurants, and venues to become their preferred cake supplier for various occasions.

Cake making in Alaska is about blending the art of baking with the state’s unique flavors and inspirations. By staying innovative, prioritizing quality, and building strong community connections, a cake-making business can sweeten many Alaskan celebrations.

20. Cell Phone Repair

How to start a cell phone repair business

In our modern age, cell phones have become indispensable tools for communication, work, and entertainment. Given Alaska’s remote locations, having access to repair services within the state is vital, as shipping devices outside for repairs can be costly and time-consuming. A local cell phone repair business meets this essential need, ensuring Alaskans stay connected.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Invest in training and certification courses to ensure you’re up-to-date with the latest repair techniques and smartphone models.
  2. Stock up on high-quality replacement parts for popular phone brands, reducing wait times for customers.
  3. Offer additional services like protective screen applications, accessory sales, or data recovery to diversify income sources.
  4. Build an online presence, allowing customers to book appointments, check repair status, or read reviews, enhancing trust.
  5. Consider mobile repair units or pick-up and drop-off services for those who can’t travel to your shop, enhancing convenience.

Starting a cell phone repair business in Alaska is about merging technical expertise with excellent customer service. By ensuring quick, reliable, and convenient services, you can become an essential hub for keeping Alaskans connected.

21. Tour Operator

How to Start a Tour Operator Business

Alaska, with its stunning landscapes, wildlife, and unique cultural experiences, is a magnet for tourists. Operating tours allows businesses to showcase the state’s natural beauty and rich history, catering to an ever-growing demand from visitors eager to experience Alaska’s wonders. Furthermore, local insights and tailored experiences make tour operators indispensable for many travelers.

Tips for Starting:

  1. Identify your niche, whether it’s wildlife watching, cultural excursions, adventure sports, or Northern Lights tours, ensuring you cater to specific interests.
  2. Obtain necessary permits and licenses, ensuring that your operations align with state regulations and environmental guidelines.
  3. Foster relationships with local communities, ensuring that your tours benefit them and respect their traditions and territories.
  4. Invest in training for guides, ensuring they provide accurate, engaging, and safe experiences for tourists.
  5. Maintain an active online presence, with updated tour information, customer reviews, and easy booking options, attracting a global audience.

Being a tour operator in Alaska involves blending logistical planning with a deep appreciation for the state’s beauty and culture. By offering authentic, well-organized, and respectful tours, you can make Alaska’s wonders accessible to travelers from around the world.


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21 Best Business Ideas to Start in Alaska