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22 Fun and Educational Business Ideas for Kids

Written by:

Esther is a business strategist with over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, executive, educator, and management advisor.

Edited by:

David has been writing and learning about business, finance and globalization for a quarter-century, starting with a small New York consulting firm in the 1990s.

22 Fun and Educational Business Ideas for Kids

It’s not surprising to see entrepreneurial kids. After all, many successful entrepreneurs started making money at a young age. It’s often easy to spot enterprising teens. They’re the ones selling candies to their classmates or charging for a bit of tutoring.

If you’ve caught the entrepreneurial bug, there are many types of businesses you can start even if you’re still too young to vote! You could walk dogs, run errands, provide lawn care, make crafts and so much more. Check out our list of cool business ideas for kids to jumpstart your money-making journey.

1. Selling Candies

How to start a candy store

A kid interested in making and selling candy should first choose a simple candy recipe such as homemade lollipops or chocolate truffles and practice until they can create a consistent, tasty product.

It’s important to understand the basics of food safety, like always washing hands and maintaining a clean kitchen, to ensure the product is safe to consume. Ingredients and materials like sugar, flavorings, chocolate, molds, and wrappers for packaging will need to be bought.

Cost of production per candy piece should be calculated, including both the ingredients and the packaging materials. This will help set a reasonable selling price that covers the costs and provides profit.

Once the candy is ready, they can create a simple marketing plan. This could include selling the candy at local events, school functions, or online with the help of an adult. Always remember to take feedback and adjust the recipe and marketing strategy as needed.

2. Lemonade Stand

lemonade business idea

Creating a lemonade stand is a great idea to earn some money around the neighborhood. They’ll need lemons, sugar, water, and perhaps a special ingredient like fresh mint or a splash of strawberry juice for an interesting twist. Once the recipe is perfected, they need to create a stand. This could be as simple as a table in their front yard or a small booth at a local park, always remembering to get necessary permissions if required.

They’ll need a visible sign indicating they’re selling lemonade and the price per cup. Investing in some disposable cups, a pitcher, and perhaps a cooler to keep the lemonade chilled is important. Once ready, they can invite friends, family, and neighbors to buy their lemonade.

The key to success is a friendly smile and polite manners, as well as a refreshing lemonade, of course. After the selling day, it’s useful to count the earnings, subtract the costs, and understand the profit made.

This business exercise can be a great learning experience in entrepreneurship for kids.

3. Babysitting

How to start a babysitting business

Some children have the maturity to start babysitting as early as age 12 or 13. Others are better off waiting until they’re older teenagers. The first step is to acquire the necessary skills. These may include first aid or CPR certification and a basic understanding of child care. They should ensure they are mature and responsible enough to handle emergencies and can comfortably manage the children’s routines.

Once ready, they can start advertising their services to trusted neighbors, family friends, and through community groups, always making sure safety is a priority. They should establish a reasonable rate based on their skills and the average rates in their locality.

When they get a babysitting job, they must be professional, attentive, and engaging with the kids, providing activities to keep them entertained while also ensuring they are safe. Consistently doing a good job will lead to positive word-of-mouth referrals, expanding their client base and earning them more income.

Always remember to save and manage earnings wisely, using this opportunity to learn financial management skills.

4. Fruit Juice

How to start a juice bar business

A child looking to make money from selling juice can start by learning how to make a few popular and tasty juices, such as orange, apple, or a combination. They’ll need fresh fruits, a reliable juicer, and other materials like cups and straws. It’s crucial to ensure they’re practicing safe food handling procedures to guarantee a clean and healthy product.

After perfecting the recipes, they can create a stand, similar to a lemonade stand, at a suitable and visible location, like their front yard or local community events, with all necessary permissions.

A sign displaying what’s for sale and the price is essential for customers to know what’s on offer. When they are set up, they can invite friends, neighbors, and family to try their freshly squeezed juices.

The child needs to be friendly, welcoming, and always willing to serve with a smile. At the end of the selling day, they should calculate their earnings, subtract the costs, and understand their profits.

This simple business operation can not only earn them some money but also teach valuable entrepreneurial lessons.

5. Selling Greeting Cards

How to start a greeting card business

Selling greeting cards is one of the easiest business ideas for kids. They’ll need supplies like cardstock, pens, stickers, glitter, and anything else that can be used to make the cards special. By tailoring cards for various occasions like birthdays, holidays, or anniversaries, they can cater to a wide range of needs.

Once they have a collection of cards, they can start to sell them. Pricing should be reasonable, covering the cost of materials and providing a profit. They can sell their greeting cards to family, friends, and neighbors, or at local events like craft fairs or community gatherings.

Setting up an online store, with the help of an adult, can be a great way to reach a larger audience. The key to success in this venture is to maintain creativity, quality, and a unique touch in each card that cannot be found in mass-produced cards.

The child should be ready to take customer feedback and continuously refine their designs based on market demand. This business opportunity not only allows the child to earn money but also nurtures their artistic skills and entrepreneurship.

6. Art Gallery

How to start a art gallery

A kid can bring creativity to life and share it with the world through art. They first need to generate a collection of artwork, which can include drawings, paintings, sculptures, or other forms of art they enjoy creating.

Next, they’ll need a space to display their art. This could be a room in their house, a community center, or even an outdoor space like their backyard. They should arrange their artwork in a manner that’s appealing and showcases each piece effectively.

Once the gallery is ready, they can plan an “opening day” event. Invitations can be sent to friends, family, teachers, and neighbors to come and appreciate their art. They could consider selling some pieces, but the primary goal should be to share their passion and creativity with others.

Over time, they might even invite other young artists to exhibit their work, turning the gallery into a community endeavor. This activity not only fosters their love for art but also instills confidence, public speaking skills, and a sense of entrepreneurship.

7. Tutoring

How to start a tutoring business

A child can offer tutoring services by first identifying a subject they excel at and enjoy. It could be math, reading, writing, science, or even a hobby like playing a musical instrument. They should be confident enough in their knowledge to be able to explain concepts clearly to others.

The next step would be to determine the age and proficiency level of students they are comfortable teaching. Once ready, they can advertise their tutoring services, highlighting their expertise, teaching style, and rates. This could be done by word of mouth, posting on local community boards, or even online, with the assistance of an adult for safety.

They can start tutoring sessions at their home, online, or at a location convenient for both the tutor and student. Patience, understanding, and effective communication are vital for successful tutoring. They should also be prepared to tailor their teaching methods to different learning styles and needs. This activity not only helps the child earn some money but also enhances their knowledge and interpersonal skills.

8. Dog Walking

How to start a dog walking business

For a child who enjoys spending time with animals, dog walking can be a great way to earn money. The first step is to ensure they are comfortable handling dogs of different sizes and breeds and are aware of the basics of dog behavior and safety.

They should then reach out to neighbors, friends, and family who have dogs and may need assistance with walking them. Advertising can be done through word-of-mouth or fliers in local community spaces, always ensuring they have permission to post. A reasonable rate should be set, usually based on the length of the walk and the size of the dog.

The child should always be respectful of the dog owner’s instructions about leash usage, treats, and interactions with other dogs or people. Punctuality and reliability are key in maintaining trust with their clients.

Over time, providing consistent and caring service can lead to a positive reputation, more clients, and thus more income. This venture not only allows a child to earn some money but also promotes responsibility and a love for animals.

9. YouTube Channel

How to start a youtube business

To earn money from a YouTube channel, a kid should start by creating content they are passionate about and knowledgeable in. It could be anything from art tutorials to gaming commentary or educational videos.

They need to set up a YouTube channel and focus on producing high-quality and engaging videos consistently. Once they meet the eligibility requirements, they can apply to join the YouTube Partner Program and monetize their channel through ads. Additionally, they can explore other revenue streams such as sponsored content or brand partnerships, where they promote products or services in their videos.

Building a loyal audience is crucial, so they should actively promote their channel on social media, engage with viewers through comments, and collaborate with other YouTubers in their niche. It’s essential for kids to prioritize their safety online, including parental supervision, strict privacy settings, and adhering to YouTube’s guidelines for age-appropriate content.

Remember, success on YouTube takes time and dedication, but with consistent effort, quality content, and an understanding of their target audience, a kid can potentially earn money while pursuing their passion.

10. Sell Cookies

How to start a cookie business

A young aspiring chef can start learning to cook by following simple recipes, perhaps from a kid-friendly cookbook or an online tutorial. They should experiment with flavors, textures, and decorations to create a variety of cookies that appeal to different tastes. Once they have their recipes ready, they can package their cookies attractively in individual bags or boxes.

Setting a reasonable price per cookie or per package is important to cover the cost of ingredients and packaging while providing a profit. They can then market their cookies to family, friends, neighbors, and even at local events or community gatherings. Advertising through word-of-mouth, social media, or by distributing flyers can help spread the word.

It’s important for the child to maintain hygiene and food safety standards while baking and packaging the cookies. They should also consider offering special promotions or seasonal cookie assortments to attract more customers.

As they gain experience and receive feedback, they can continue refining their recipes and expanding their customer base. This entrepreneurial endeavor not only allows them to earn money but also nurtures their baking skills, creativity, and business acumen.

11. Instagram Influencer

instagram business idea

One of the phenomenons of social media platforms in the new era is kid influencers. To start, they should identify a niche or passion they want to share with others, such as fashion, art, cooking, or a specific hobby. The parents’ role is crucial in ensuring the child’s safety and privacy online, managing their account, and monitoring interactions. They can assist in setting up the Instagram account, creating a visually appealing profile, and establishing guidelines for content creation and posting.

The child can then start creating high-quality and engaging content, including photos, videos, and captions that resonate with their target audience. Growing a following takes time and dedication, so it’s important to be consistent in posting and actively engaging with followers.

Once the child has a significant following, they can explore monetization opportunities such as brand partnerships, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing. The parents should closely collaborate with the child to negotiate deals, ensure ethical practices, and manage financial aspects.

While earning money as an Instagram influencer is possible, it’s crucial to strike a balance between the child’s well-being, education, and online presence, with the parents playing a supportive and protective role throughout the journey.

12. Gift Wrapping

How to start a gift wrapping business

A kid can make money from gift wrapping by offering their services to individuals or businesses. They can start by developing their gift wrapping skills and techniques, ensuring they can create attractive and professional-looking presentations. They should invest in quality wrapping paper, ribbons, bows, and other decorative elements.

They can advertise their services by creating flyers or business cards to distribute in their community, reaching out to family, friends, and local businesses who may need assistance with gift wrapping during holidays, special occasions, or events. They should set reasonable rates based on the size and complexity of the gifts to be wrapped.

Additionally, they can consider offering customization options such as personalized gift tags or themed wrapping styles. Providing excellent customer service, attention to detail, and timely delivery are essential to building a positive reputation. As their business grows, they can expand their client base and potentially offer additional services like gift basket assembly or coordinating party favors.

This endeavor not only allows the child to earn money but also develops their creativity, organizational skills, and entrepreneurial mindset.

13. Pet Sitting

How to start a pet sitting business

Kids who enjoy being around pets can offer pet sitting services in their community as a way to make money. They should first ensure they have a genuine love and understanding of animals, as well as a responsible and caring attitude.

They can start by reaching out to friends, family, and neighbors who have pets and may need assistance with pet care, such as feeding, walking, or providing companionship. They should set reasonable rates based on the services offered and the duration of care required. It’s important for them to have clear communication with the pet owners, understanding any specific needs or instructions for each pet.

They can advertise their services by creating flyers, posting on community boards, or leveraging social media platforms with their parents’ supervision. Building a positive reputation through word-of-mouth referrals is crucial, so they should always provide reliable and trustworthy service. Taking proper safety precautions and ensuring the well-being of the pets in their care is paramount.

This opportunity not only allows the child to earn money but also fosters responsibility, empathy, and a deeper connection with animals.

14. Selling Crafts

How to start a craft business

A kid can make money from making and selling crafts by first choosing a craft they enjoy and excel at, such as jewelry making, pottery, or painting. They should practice their craft to create high-quality and unique items that stand out.

Next, they can set up a small shop or booth at local markets, fairs, or community events, with the help of an adult. They can also explore online platforms or social media to showcase and sell their crafts. Pricing should be fair and consider the cost of materials and time invested in creating each item. It’s important to market their crafts effectively by taking appealing photographs, writing engaging descriptions, and sharing their work on various platforms.

They can also consider offering custom orders or personalized items to attract a wider customer base. Excellent customer service, including prompt communication and reliable shipping or delivery, is crucial for building a loyal customer base.

This entrepreneurial venture not only allows the child to earn money but also nurtures their creativity, problem-solving skills, and business acumen.

15. Face Painting

face painting business idea

A kid can make money from face painting by showcasing their artistic skills and offering their services at events and gatherings. They should first practice different face painting designs and techniques to become proficient. Once confident, they can start by offering their face painting services at local events like birthday parties, community festivals, or school functions.

They can create a portfolio of their work to showcase their talent and attract potential clients. Setting a reasonable hourly rate or per-face fee is important, considering the time and effort involved in each painting. It’s essential for them to prioritize safety by using non-toxic, skin-friendly paints and following proper hygiene practices. Word-of-mouth recommendations and positive customer reviews are key to growing their business.

They can also leverage social media platforms with parental guidance to showcase their work and attract more clients. As their experience and reputation grow, they can expand their services to include additional artistic offerings like temporary tattoos or glitter designs.

This entrepreneurial endeavor not only allows the child to earn money but also hones their artistic skills, boosts their confidence, and provides a fun and interactive experience for their customers.

16. Balloon Decorations

How to start a balloon business

Selling and decorating balloons for various events and celebrations can be a lucrative business idea for kids. They can start by learning different balloon decorating techniques and acquiring the necessary supplies like balloons, helium tank (if applicable), ribbons, and accessories.

Once they have the skills and materials, they can market their services to family, friends, and neighbors, as well as local event planners or party venues. They should set competitive prices for their balloon decorations, considering the cost of materials and their time. Creating a portfolio with photos of their balloon designs can help showcase their work and attract potential clients.

They can also promote their services through social media platforms with the help of an adult. It’s crucial for them to provide excellent customer service, ensuring timely delivery and set-up of balloon decorations. Offering customization options and creative designs can make their services stand out.

As they gain experience and positive feedback, they can expand their client base and potentially offer additional services like balloon twisting or hosting balloon-themed workshops.

This entrepreneurial venture not only allows the child to earn money but also nurtures their creativity, attention to detail, and business skills.

17. Blog

blog business idea

The minimum age to use most blogging platforms is 13. Younger kids can still blog, but you’ll have to set up the blog and assist.

First, they should identify a topic they are passionate about and have knowledge or experience in, such as a hobby, a favorite book series, or a specific interest. Next, they can choose a blogging platform that is user-friendly and suitable for their age, with the guidance and supervision of a parent or guardian. They can create a catchy and descriptive blog name that reflects their chosen topic.

The child should focus on creating engaging and informative content, using a friendly and relatable writing style. They can incorporate multimedia elements like photos, videos, or illustrations to enhance their posts. It’s important to be consistent in publishing new content to keep readers interested. They can share their blog posts on social media platforms or relevant online communities to reach a wider audience. Building a community of readers by responding to comments and actively engaging with their audience is crucial.

While it may take time to generate significant traffic or monetize the blog, the child should focus on enjoying the process and sharing their passion with others. Parental guidance and online safety measures should be in place throughout the blogging journey.

This endeavor not only allows the child to express themselves creatively but also develops their writing skills, digital literacy, and ability to connect with others.

18. Gift Basket

How to start a gift basket business

A kid can make money with a gift basket by curating and selling thoughtful and attractive gift baskets for various occasions. They can start by identifying popular themes or target markets, such as baby showers, holidays, or corporate gifts.

Next, they should research and source high-quality and appealing products to include in their gift baskets, such as gourmet treats, bath and body products, or handmade crafts. They can also consider partnering with local businesses or artisans to showcase their products in the gift baskets.

Pricing should consider the cost of products and materials, as well as a reasonable profit margin. Marketing their gift baskets can be done through social media platforms, word-of-mouth, or by participating in local craft fairs or community events.

They should focus on providing excellent customer service, offering customization options, and ensuring timely delivery or shipping. As their business grows, they can explore opportunities for corporate clients or offer subscription-based gift basket services.

This entrepreneurial venture not only allows the child to earn money but also nurtures their creativity, organizational skills, and customer relations abilities.

19. Podcast

How to start a podcast

A kid can start a podcast with the help of their parents by following a few key steps.

First, they should determine the topic or theme of their podcast, such as storytelling, interviews, or educational content. Together with their parents, they can brainstorm ideas and develop a format for their episodes.

The next step is to gather the necessary equipment, which can include a microphone, headphones, and audio recording software. With their parents’ guidance, they can set up a quiet recording space and learn how to use the equipment effectively.

The child should then plan and script their episodes, ensuring they have engaging content and a clear structure. Recording sessions can be done with the assistance of their parents to ensure technical aspects are taken care of. Once the episodes are recorded, the child and their parents can work together on editing and enhancing the audio quality.

They can choose a podcast hosting platform to publish their episodes and submit their podcast to directories like Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Promotion can be done through social media platforms, family, and friends, as well as asking for reviews and ratings from listeners.

It’s important for parents to be actively involved in monitoring the child’s online presence, ensuring their safety, and maintaining age-appropriate content. This podcasting journey not only allows the child to express their creativity and share their voice but also develops their communication skills, research abilities, and technology literacy.

20. Soap Making

How to start a soap making business

Homemade soap is one of the easiest crafts for kids. They should start by learning the soap making process and safety precautions, including using appropriate ingredients and equipment.

Once they have a few soap recipes they are confident in, they can experiment with different scents, colors, and designs to make their soaps unique. They should consider packaging their soaps attractively, using labels and eco-friendly materials.

They can start selling their soaps locally, such as at craft fairs, farmers markets, or through family and friends. Additionally, they can explore online platforms or create their own website, with the help of an adult, to reach a wider customer base. Pricing should cover the cost of ingredients, packaging, and a profit margin. They can also offer custom orders or soap gift sets for special occasions.

Providing excellent customer service and actively seeking feedback will help them improve their products and build a loyal customer base. This entrepreneurial venture not only allows the child to earn money but also nurtures their creativity, attention to detail, and business skills.

21. Lawn Care

How to start a lawn care business

Doing yard work can be a great way for kids to make extra money. They should start by acquiring basic lawn care tools such as a lawn mower, trimmer, rake, and shovel. With their parents’ guidance, they can learn how to properly and safely operate these tools.

They can then create flyers or distribute door-to-door to advertise their services, highlighting their availability for tasks like mowing, edging, weeding, and leaf removal. Setting competitive rates based on the size of the lawn and the specific tasks required is important.

It’s crucial for them to provide reliable and punctual service, completing the job to the satisfaction of their clients. Building a positive reputation through word-of-mouth recommendations is key to attracting more customers.

Additionally, they can offer additional services like watering plants or basic garden maintenance. They should prioritize safety by wearing appropriate clothing and footwear and being cautious of potential hazards.

This entrepreneurial venture not only allows the child to earn money but also teaches them responsibility, work ethic, and customer service skills.

22. Selling Stickers

How to start a sticker business

Adults use stickers, kids love stickers, everyone loves stickers. Kids should start by honing their artistic skills and creating appealing and unique designs that will attract customers. With the help of their parents, they can acquire sticker-making materials such as sticker paper, adhesive, and a printer.

Once they have their designs and materials ready, they can print and cut out the stickers. Packaging the stickers in clear bags or envelopes with a label displaying their brand name or logo will add a professional touch.

They can sell their stickers locally, such as at school events, community fairs, or through family and friends. Additionally, they can explore online platforms, with the assistance of their parents, to reach a wider audience and even offer custom designs or sticker packs.

Pricing should cover the cost of materials and a profit margin. Providing excellent customer service, engaging with buyers, and seeking feedback will help them improve their designs and build a loyal customer base.

This entrepreneurial endeavor not only allows the child to earn money but also nurtures their creativity, graphic design skills, and business acumen.

Kids Business Ideas FAQs

How old should kids be to start their own business?

The age at which kids can start their own business varies depending on the type of business and local regulations. However, many kids begin exploring entrepreneurship between the ages of 8 and 14 with the guidance and support of their parents or guardians.

Are there any legal considerations for kids starting a business?

Yes, there are legal considerations when kids start a business. It’s important to research and comply with local laws and regulations regarding permits, licenses, and any age restrictions for operating a business.

How can kids fund their business ventures?

Kids can fund their business ventures through various methods. They can use their own savings, seek financial support from family members or friends, or consider crowdfunding platforms specifically designed for young entrepreneurs.

What are some important skills kids can develop through running a business?

Running a business offers kids a chance to develop valuable skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, communication, financial management, customer service, creativity, and perseverance.

How can kids market their business?

Kids can market their business through word-of-mouth, creating flyers or posters, utilizing social media platforms (with parental supervision), participating in local events or markets, and building relationships with their community.

Are there any safety considerations for kids running a business?

Safety should be a top priority for kids running a business. They should always have adult supervision, be aware of potential hazards, follow safety guidelines for their specific business, and understand basic first aid practices.

How can parents support their kids in their business ventures?

Parents can support their kids by providing guidance, helping with legal requirements, assisting with marketing and financial planning, encouraging creativity, offering transportation to events or markets, and being a source of motivation and encouragement.

Can kids balance their business with school and other activities?

Yes, it’s important for kids to strike a balance between their business, schoolwork, and other activities. Time management, prioritization, and effective scheduling are key to ensuring they have enough time for all their commitments.

What are some resources available to help kids with their business ideas?

There are several resources available to help kids with their business ideas. Local libraries, online platforms, youth entrepreneurship programs, and mentorship opportunities can provide guidance, inspiration, and practical advice for young entrepreneurs.


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22 Fun and Educational Business Ideas for Kids