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14 Best Business Ideas for ENFPs

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Howard Tillerman is the Chief Marketing Officer for Step By Step Business and an award-winning marketing professional.

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David has been writing and learning about business, finance and globalization for a quarter-century, starting with a small New York consulting firm in the 1990s.

14 Best Business Ideas for ENFPs

The ENFP personality type is outgoing, enthusiastic, and imaginative, based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. They see life as full of possibilities, and readily see patterns and connections between events and information. They are also quick to express their appreciation and support, but need a lot of affirmation from others at the same time. 

If you’re an ENFP, you’ll likely thrive as a coach, graphics designer, or interior designer. A consulting, recruitment, or crowdfunding business would also be right up your alley. Explore our list of ENFP business ideas below and see if anything could work for you.

1. Coaching

coaching business idea

Coaching is a perfect fit for ENFPs due to their innate ability to inspire and uplift others. As natural communicators who enjoy helping people grow, ENFPs can thrive by building deep, meaningful connections with their clients. To excel in this field, ENFPs should focus on developing their listening skills and empathy to better serve diverse client needs. They should also consider specializing in areas they are passionate about, such as life coaching, business coaching, or wellness. An important tip is to continuously seek feedback and professional development to enhance their coaching effectiveness.

Discover how to start a coaching business in your area of expertise

Below we highlight three specific coaching business ideas that can put you on the path to entrepreneurial success.
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2. Crowdfunding

crowdfunding business idea

Crowdfunding allows ENFPs to leverage their creativity and persuasive communication skills to champion various causes and projects. This business idea suits ENFPs because they can utilize their expansive networks and enthusiasm to rally support. ENFPs can maximize their impact by choosing campaigns that align with their values and by telling compelling stories. It’s crucial for ENFPs to maintain transparency and regular updates to foster trust and engagement among backers.

3. Recruiting Service

How to start a recruiting business

Recruiting is an ideal avenue for ENFPs as it involves understanding people’s strengths and matching them with the right opportunities. This resonates with ENFPs’ empathetic and intuitive nature. To succeed, ENFPs should focus on building strong relationships with both companies and candidates, ensuring alignment of values and expectations. Networking and maintaining an active presence in industry-related events will be key. Additionally, keeping up with the latest trends in hiring practices will help them offer valuable insights to their clients.

4. HR Consulting

How to start a consulting business

HR consulting is great for ENFPs because it involves working closely with businesses to enhance their organizational culture and employee satisfaction—areas where ENFPs naturally excel. They can use their interpersonal skills to mediate conflicts and improve communication between staff and management. ENFPs should tailor their consulting services to include employee development programs, which can greatly benefit from their motivational skills. Staying updated with HR laws and regulations is essential for providing informed advice.

5. Hair Salon

How to start a hair salon

Opening a hair salon suits ENFPs as it provides a creative outlet and the opportunity to foster personal connections with clients. ENFPs can thrive by creating a welcoming and vibrant environment that reflects their personality. They should focus on customer service and building a loyal clientele through personal interactions. Hosting community events and offering customized services can also enhance customer satisfaction. It’s important for ENFPs to manage the business aspects meticulously, including finances and staff training.

6. Beauty Supply Store

beauty supply business idea

A beauty supply store is a great match for ENFPs who have a passion for beauty products and customer interaction. They can use their enthusiasm to create an engaging shopping experience and advise customers on the best products for their needs. To succeed, ENFPs should stay informed about the latest trends and innovations in beauty products. Organizing in-store events and workshops can also attract more customers. It’s essential for ENFPs to maintain an organized inventory and a strong online presence.

7. Music Production

How to start a music production company

Music production aligns well with the ENFP’s love for creativity and expression. This field allows them to work collaboratively with artists and contribute to the creative process, which can be highly fulfilling. ENFPs should focus on building a network of artists and industry professionals and staying current with music trends and technology. They might also consider offering a variety of services, such as songwriting, arranging, and mixing, to diversify their business and showcase their versatility.

8. Graphic Design

How to start a graphic design business

Graphic design is a suitable business for ENFPs as it combines creativity with the opportunity to work on diverse projects. This field allows ENFPs to express their ideas visually and meet the unique needs of different clients. To maximize success, they should focus on building a robust portfolio and maintaining strong client relationships. Staying up-to-date with design software and trends is also crucial. ENFPs will benefit from setting clear project boundaries to ensure timely deliveries and client satisfaction.

9. Interior Design

How to start an interior design business

Interior design is an excellent match for ENFPs due to their creativity and ability to envision possibilities. This role allows them to transform spaces in ways that reflect their clients’ personalities and needs, providing immense job satisfaction. ENFPs should focus on understanding client visions and communicating effectively to ensure project success. Regularly attending design expos and keeping up with interior trends will help them offer fresh ideas. It’s important to maintain a detailed project management system to keep track of budgets and deadlines.

10. Food Truck

How to start a food truck business

Operating a food truck is a fantastic business for ENFPs, combining their love for social interaction with the joy of serving creative dishes. This business allows for flexibility and direct customer engagement, which ENFPs find rewarding. They should focus on creating a unique menu and engaging actively with the community through social media and local events. It’s vital to understand local regulations and food safety standards to ensure smooth operations.

11. Sports Card Trading

How to start a sports trading card business

Sports card trading is ideal for ENFPs interested in sports and building community through hobbies. This niche allows them to use their interpersonal skills to network with other collectors and negotiate trades. ENFPs should stay knowledgeable about the sports card market trends and conditions of cards to ensure fair deals. Organizing trading events or participating in forums can enhance their visibility in the community. Keeping detailed records of inventory and transactions is essential for maintaining credibility and trust.

12. Import-Export

How to Start a Freight Forwarding Business

The import-export business is suitable for ENFPs who enjoy diverse cultures and global markets. This business requires strong communication and negotiation skills, areas where ENFPs excel. They should focus on building reliable relationships with suppliers and understanding market demands in different regions. Attending international trade shows and maintaining knowledge of trade regulations are crucial steps for success. An organized logistics system will also help streamline operations.

13. Dog Kennel

How to start a kennel

Running a dog kennel can be a fulfilling business for ENFPs who love animals. This opportunity allows them to connect deeply with pets and their owners, providing care and comfort. ENFPs should focus on creating a safe and welcoming environment for the animals. Offering additional services such as grooming and training can also attract more clients. It’s important for them to understand pet care standards and to have proper licenses and insurance in place.

14. Estate Sale

How to start a estate sale business

Managing estate sales is a good match for ENFPs who are organized and have a knack for sales and understanding the value of various items. This business allows them to help clients during transitional periods, providing support and ensuring efficient handling of personal belongings. ENFPs should focus on respectful communication and building trust with clients. Keeping up-to-date with appraisal practices and marketing their services effectively will help in attracting more clients. Clear contracts and transparent processes are key to successful operations.


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14 Best Business Ideas for ENFPs