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20 Best Business Ideas to Start in Ohio

Written by:

Esther is a business strategist with over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, executive, educator, and management advisor.

Edited by:

David has been writing and learning about business, finance and globalization for a quarter-century, starting with a small New York consulting firm in the 1990s.

20 Best Business Ideas to Start in Ohio

With a booming manufacturing sector, Ohio is set to become a hub for global and domestic supply chains. Are you looking to cash in on this boom? If so, then consider starting your own business now.

You could get into microgreens, lawn care, landscaping, or gardening, as well as retail, wine, or warehousing. Check out our list of brilliant Ohio business ideas and see what sparks your interest.

1. Real Estate

how to start a real estate business

In Ohio, real estate agents must be licensed by the Ohio Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing. To thrive in Ohio’s real estate market, focus on networking and building strong local community connections. Keep up with market trends and regulations specific to different Ohio regions. Use digital marketing to reach potential buyers and renters effectively.

2. Insurance

How to start a insurance agency

The Ohio Department of Insurance oversees licensing for insurance agents. Key advice for starting an insurance business includes understanding the specific needs of Ohio residents and businesses, and offering tailored insurance solutions. Build trust through excellent customer service and by being knowledgeable about local regulations and industry trends.

3. Internet Service Provider

internet service provider business idea

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in Ohio need to comply with both federal and state telecommunications regulations. For success, ensure reliable internet service and excellent customer support. Research areas in Ohio lacking strong internet connectivity to potentially fill a market gap. Keep abreast of technological advancements to stay competitive.

4. Project Management

How to start a project management business

Project management doesn’t require a specific license in Ohio. However, it’s advisable to get a Project Management Certification to boost your reputation and credibility. Success hinges on strong organizational skills and clear communication. Adaptability to different industries and continuous learning about new project management methodologies will also be crucial.

5. Wholesale

wholesale business idea

Wholesale businesses in Ohio must obtain a vendor’s license from the Ohio Department of Taxation. To succeed, build solid relationships with manufacturers and retailers. Offer competitive pricing and maintain a high level of service reliability. Understanding and managing inventory effectively can significantly enhance profitability.

6. Graphic Design

How to start a graphic design business

Graphic designers in Ohio can operate without a specific business license but registering your business is recommended. Stay successful by keeping up with the latest design software and trends. Building a diverse portfolio that appeals to various industries within Ohio can broaden your client base.

7. 3D Printing

How to start a 3D printing business

3D printing businesses in Ohio need to comply with local zoning and safety regulations. Focus on niche markets where you can provide specialized services, such as custom parts for manufacturing or personalized consumer products. Keep technology up-to-date and understand the material science behind 3D printing to offer superior products.

8. Manufacturing Company

How to Start a Pallet Manufacturing Business

Manufacturing companies in Ohio must adhere to both state and federal regulations, including obtaining proper permits for operations. Streamline production processes and maintain strict quality control to build a strong reputation. Establishing partnerships with local suppliers and businesses can also foster growth.

9. Microgreens Farming

How to start a microgreens business

While microgreens farming doesn’t require a specific license in Ohio, standard business registrations apply. Success depends on identifying and connecting with local restaurants and markets that value fresh, organic produce. Implement sustainable farming practices to appeal to eco-conscious consumers.

10. Pig Farm

pig farm business idea

Starting a pig farm in Ohio requires compliance with state agricultural regulations. Focus on maintaining high standards of animal welfare and biosecurity. Market your products directly to consumers through farmers’ markets or online platforms to increase profitability.

11. Food Truck

How to start a food truck business

Food truck operators in Ohio need a food service operation license from the local health department. Locate high-traffic areas to operate and diversify your menu to stand out. Use social media to announce locations and special menu items daily.

12. Retail Store

How to start a furniture store business

Retail store owners in Ohio must obtain a vendor’s license from the state. Key to success is choosing the right location and understanding the local market’s preferences. Stock a variety of products and provide exceptional customer service to build a loyal customer base.

13. Winery

How to Start a Wine Business

Operating a winery in Ohio requires compliance with state liquor laws and obtaining a winery permit. Offer tours and tasting events to attract visitors. Focus on producing quality wines and marketing them effectively to establish a brand presence in the competitive market.

14. Gardening Service

How to start a gardening business

No specific licenses are required for gardening services in Ohio, but registering your business is advised. Succeed by offering reliable, quality services and maintaining good customer relations. Stay knowledgeable about native Ohio plants and environmentally friendly gardening practices.

15. Lawn Care

How to start a lawn care business

In Ohio, lawn care services should register as a business but do not need a specific license. Success comes from consistent service quality and effective marketing. Consider offering seasonal services like snow removal to keep business steady year-round.

16. Landscaping

How to start a landscaping business

Landscapers in Ohio must register their business but do not need a specific license. Build a successful landscaping business by understanding local flora and design trends. Offer personalized services and maintenance contracts to generate steady income.

17. Kayak Rental

How to start a canoe and kayak rental business

Kayak rental businesses in Ohio need to follow state boating laws and may require a local business permit. Choose scenic and popular waterways for your operations. Prioritize safety by providing customers with proper equipment and briefings.

18. Health Care

How to start a home health care business

Healthcare facilities in Ohio are regulated by the Ohio Department of Health and require proper licensing. Focus on providing high-quality care and maintaining good patient relations. Staying compliant with health regulations and continuous staff training are crucial for success.

19. Carpet Cleaning

How to start a carpet cleaning business

Carpet cleaning businesses need a vendor’s license in Ohio. Build customer trust by using eco-friendly cleaning products and offering competitive pricing. Regular promotions and loyalty discounts can help grow your customer base.

20. Warehouse Business

How to start a warehouse business

Operating a warehouse in Ohio requires adherence to safety and building codes. Ensure efficient space management and security measures. Offering additional services like inventory management and logistics can attract more clients.


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20 Best Business Ideas to Start in Ohio