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How to Start a Photography Website: Manthan Gajjar’s Insights

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Esther is a business strategist with over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, executive, educator, and management advisor.

How to Start a Photography Website: Manthan Gajjar’s Insights

In this interview, we delve into the journey of Manthan Gajjar, the creative force behind the website Photographywith.com. As a passionate photographer and skilled entrepreneur, Gajjar shares his experiences and insights into the world of photography, offering a fascinating glimpse into the evolution of his platform, the strategies that keep his content fresh and relevant, and the challenges he’s navigated in creating a successful online presence. Whether you’re an aspiring photographer or a seasoned professional, Gajjar’s story is sure to inspire and inform.

 Manthan Gajjar

Inspiration Behind Photographywith.com

SBS – What inspired you to start Photographywith.com, and how has your vision for the site evolved?

Manthan – The inspiration behind Photographywith.com stemmed from my passion for photography and my desire to share knowledge with aspiring photographers. Initially, I noticed a gap in accessible resources for beginner photographers, and I wanted to create a platform where people could learn about photography practically and straightforwardly.

This led me to start the blog as a way to provide tips, tricks, and gear reviews to help newcomers navigate the world of photography more effectively. As the site has evolved, my vision has shifted to focus more on providing comprehensive and actionable content tailored specifically to the needs of my audience. 

I realized that there was a demand for not only basic photography techniques but also for more in-depth tutorials, industry insights, and practical advice on how to succeed in the field. Therefore, I have expanded the scope of the blog to cover a wider range of topics, including advanced photography techniques, business aspects of photography, and emerging trends in the industry.

I also recognized the importance of building a community around the blog, where photographers can connect, share experiences, and support each other’s growth. That’s why I have incorporated features such as forums, social media engagement, and networking opportunities to foster a sense of belonging among my audience. 

Overall, my vision for Photographywith.com has evolved to become a comprehensive resource hub for photographers at all skill levels, offering both practical advice and a supportive community to help them thrive in their passion for photography.

Content Freshness Strategies

SBS – How do you keep your content fresh and engaging for your audience?

Manthan – To keep my content fresh and engaging for my audience, I employ several strategies.

I stay updated on trends, industry news, and emerging topics in photography to ensure that my content remains relevant and timely. This helps me anticipate what my audience is interested in and tailor my content accordingly.

I actively solicit feedback from my audience through surveys, comments, and social media interactions. Understanding their interests, preferences, and pain points allows me to create content that resonates with them and effectively addresses their needs.

Some collaborate with guest contributors, industry experts, and fellow photographers to bring diverse perspectives and expertise to my blog. This not only adds credibility to the content but also introduces fresh insights and ideas that keep the audience engaged.

I leverage storytelling techniques to make the content more relatable and compelling. By sharing personal anecdotes, case studies, and real-life examples, I aim to connect with the audience on a deeper level and keep them invested in the content.

By employing these strategies, I ensure that my content remains dynamic, relevant, and engaging, thereby maintaining my audience’s interest and loyalty over time.

Photography Website Monetization

SBS – What strategies have you found most effective for monetizing a photography-focused website?

Manthan – Based on my experience, I have found effective strategies for monetizing a photography-focused website.

I partner with photography equipment retailers, online marketplaces, and digital product creators to promote their products through affiliate links. By recommending products and earning a commission on sales generated through my website, I can effectively monetize my content.

I also integrate display advertising networks such as Google AdSense or Media.net to display relevant ads on my website (I’m currently using Adsense). I earn revenue based on the number of impressions or clicks these ads receive from my audience.

Collaborating with brands, photography agencies, or related businesses is also useful for creating sponsored content such as product reviews, sponsored posts, or tutorials. These partnerships can provide a source of income while also offering valuable content to my audience.

By diversifying revenue streams and leveraging the unique strengths of my photography-focused website, I can effectively monetize my content and generate sustainable income over time.

Right now, I’m focusing more on affiliate marketing and advertising strategies & sponsored articles to monetize my blog.

Balancing Content and Technicalities

SBS – How do you balance content creation with the technical aspects of running a website?

Manthan – Balancing content creation with the technical aspects of running a website requires effective time management, organization, and prioritization. Here’s how I approach this.

Firstly, I allocate specific blocks of time in my weekly schedule for content creation and website maintenance tasks. By setting aside dedicated time for each activity, I can ensure that both content creation and technical tasks receive the attention they need.

I love to prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. Content creation, such as writing articles or producing videos, often takes precedence as it directly contributes to engaging my audience and driving traffic to my website. However, I also make sure to address critical technical issues promptly to ensure the smooth functioning of the website.

Also, for complex technical tasks or tasks outside my expertise, such as website development, coding, or SEO optimization (I’m a full-time developer, so I love to learn and execute SEO and coding stuff 🙂 ), I may consider outsourcing to professionals or hiring freelancers. Delegating technical responsibilities allows me to concentrate on content creation without getting overwhelmed by technical details.

I utilize productivity tools such as project management software, task lists, and calendars to stay organized and track progress. These tools help me stay on top of deadlines, manage workflows efficiently, and ensure that both content creation and technical tasks are completed on time.

I’m using tools like Todoist, Trello, and many more to track records of my daily to-dos.

Early Challenges and Solutions

SBS – Can you share some challenges you faced in the early stages and how you overcame them?

Manthan – Certainly! In the early stages of building Photographywith.com, I encountered several challenges.

One of the primary challenges was operating with limited financial resources. As a solo entrepreneur, I had to bootstrap the business and rely on low-cost or free tools and resources. To overcome this challenge, I prioritized essential expenses, focused on cost-effective solutions, and invested time in learning new skills to handle various aspects of website management and content creation on my own.

Another challenge was navigating the technical aspects of building and maintaining a website. As someone with a background in photography rather than web development, I faced a steep learning curve in areas such as website design, SEO, and digital marketing. To address this challenge, I dedicated time to self-education through online tutorials, courses, and forums. I also sought assistance from online communities and tech-savvy friends to troubleshoot technical issues and improve my skills gradually.

Attracting an audience and building a following from scratch was another significant challenge (This is still in progress from my end…). In the saturated photography niche, standing out and gaining traction amidst established competitors required strategic planning and consistent effort. To overcome this challenge, I focused on producing high-quality, valuable content that resonated with my target audience. I leveraged social media platforms, engaged with photography communities, and optimized my content for search engines to increase visibility and attract organic traffic to my website.

By embracing the learning process, staying resilient in the face of setbacks, and remaining focused on my goals, I navigated the early stages of building my photography website and laid a solid foundation for future growth.

Social Media in Audience Engagement

SBS – What role does social media play in your marketing and audience engagement strategy?

Manthan – Social media plays a crucial role in my marketing and audience engagement strategy for Photographywith.com.

I use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to distribute and promote my content to a wider audience. By sharing articles, tutorials, videos, and other valuable resources on social media, I can reach potential readers and drive traffic back to my website.

Social media allows me to connect with my audience more personally and foster a sense of community around my brand. I engage with followers by responding to comments, answering questions, and initiating conversations related to photography topics. This engagement helps to build trust, loyalty, and rapport with my audience.

Maintaining an active presence on social media helps to increase brand visibility and awareness among photography enthusiasts. By consistently sharing valuable content, updates, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of my work, I can keep my brand top-of-mind and attract new followers who share similar interests.

Measuring Website Success

SBS – How do you measure the success of your website, and what metrics do you focus on?

Manthan – As the owner of Photographywith.com, I measure the success of my website using a combination of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that provide insights into various aspects of its performance.

I track overall website traffic to gauge the volume of visitors accessing my site over time. Key metrics include total visits, unique visitors, page views, and sessions. Increasing website traffic indicates growing awareness and interest in my content.

I monitor metrics related to audience engagement to assess how visitors interact with my website. This includes metrics such as average session duration, bounce rate, pages per session, and time spent on the page. Higher engagement metrics indicate that visitors find my content valuable and engaging.

I track conversion metrics to measure the effectiveness of my website in achieving specific goals, such as email sign-ups, eBook downloads, or product purchases. Conversion rate and conversion funnel analysis let me identify areas for improvement and optimize my website to drive more conversions.

Online Presence Tips for Photographers

SBS – What advice would you give to photographers looking to create their online presence or blog?

Manthan – Identify a specific niche or focus area within photography that aligns with your interests, expertise, and target audience. Whether it’s landscape photography, portrait photography, travel photography, or niche specialties like macro or wildlife photography, choosing a specific niche will help you stand out and attract a dedicated audience.

Another thing I have realized lately is, don’t focus on money initially, just believe this: if you’re doing it for your own good & enjoying every piece of work which you’re doing then it’s easy & quick to earn money in a short time, compared to whatever you’re currently doing just for a living but not enjoying it.

Create a visually appealing portfolio to showcase your best work and highlight your unique style and creative vision. Use high-quality images and organize your portfolio into categories or projects to make it easy for visitors to navigate and explore your work.

Consider starting a blog to share your knowledge, experiences, and insights related to photography. Write articles, tutorials, tips, and behind-the-scenes stories that provide value to your audience and establish you as an authority in your niche. Regularly update your blog with fresh and engaging content to keep visitors coming back for more.

Also, stay curious, open-minded, and committed to continuous learning and improvement in your craft and your online presence. Keep up with the latest trends, techniques, and technologies in photography and digital marketing, and adapt your strategies accordingly to stay relevant and competitive in the online landscape.

Keeping Up with Photography Trends

SBS – How do you stay informed about the latest trends and technology in photography?

Manthan – Staying informed about the latest trends and technology in photography is crucial to providing valuable and relevant content to my audience. I regularly follow industry-leading blogs (MOST IMPORTANT), websites, and online publications dedicated to photography. These platforms often publish articles, reviews, and tutorials covering the latest trends, techniques, gear, and technology in the photography world. Some reputable sources include DPReview, Petapixel, Fstoppers, and Digital Photography School.

I also subscribed to photography magazines and journals to receive curated content, expert insights, and in-depth reviews of new cameras, lenses, and accessories. Magazines like National Geographic, Popular Photography, and Outdoor Photographer often feature articles on emerging trends and innovative photography techniques.

Attend photography conferences and events (offline or online) and engage with photography communities. I actively participate in online photography communities, forums, and social media groups where photographers share their experiences, ask questions, and discuss relevant topics. These communities serve as valuable sources of information, inspiration, and peer support, and they help me stay connected with the pulse of the photography industry.

Key Campaigns Boosting Website Growth

SBS – Can you share a particularly successful campaign or strategy that significantly boosted your website’s growth?

Manthan – Certainly! One particularly successful strategy that significantly boosted the growth of Photographywith.com was the implementation of a targeted content marketing campaign coupled with strategic SEO optimization.

I conducted extensive keyword research (using Ahrefs) to identify high-volume, low-competition keywords related to photography tutorials, tips, and gear reviews. 

I focused on long-tail keywords with specific intent, such as “beginner photography tips” or “best budget DSLR cameras.”

Based on the keyword research findings, I created a series of in-depth, high-quality blog posts and tutorials that addressed the identified keywords and topics. These articles provided valuable information, practical tips, and actionable advice tailored to the needs and interests of my target audience. Then, I publish my article on all the possible social media platforms and share it with my audience via newsletter.

For newsletters, I prefer Mailchimp (the free pack is pretty good for beginners).

Strategy for Collaborations and Partnerships

SBS – How do you approach collaborations or partnerships with brands and other photographers?

Manthan – Approaching collaborations or partnerships with brands and other photographers requires a strategic and thoughtful approach to ensure mutual benefit and alignment of goals. 

Right now I’m more focused on my content, if I see any good opportunity or something then I reach out to that specific partner. Nothing else.

Future Plans for Photographywith.com

SBS – What future developments or expansions are you planning for Photographywith.com?

Manthan – Overall, my goal for Photographywith.com is to continue evolving and growing as a valuable resource and community hub for photographers worldwide. By focusing on diversifying content, expanding resources, building community engagement, implementing monetization strategies, and fostering collaborations, I aim to position the website as a leading destination for photography enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Right now I also started working for the Indian photography community by creating a blog called manthangajjar.in & another blog regarding quotes (that’s my hobby — to collect quotes). It is called quotesforjoy.com.

Essential Advice for Photography Entrepreneurs

SBS – Finally, what’s the most important piece of advice you’d offer to entrepreneurs entering the photography business?

Manthan – The most important piece of advice I would offer to entrepreneurs entering the photography business is to focus on developing your unique style, honing your skills, and building a strong brand identity.

Photography is a vast and diverse field, so it’s essential to identify your niche and specialize in a specific genre or style of photography that aligns with your interests, strengths, and vision. 

Whether it’s family, landscape, real estate, wildlife, or wedding photography, carving out a niche will help you stand out in a crowded market and attract the right clients. Continuous learning and practice are essential for growth and improvement as a photographer. Invest in photography courses, workshops, tutorials, and mentorship programs to enhance your technical skills, creative vision, and business acumen. Dedicate time to regular shooting sessions, experimentation, and portfolio building to refine your craft and develop your unique style.

Yeah, many people say you can’t earn that much by blogging, or it’s not a secured job, but believe me, the market is there. People are still looking for quality content to read and learn, so there’s always an opportunity to grow and earn.


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How to Start a Photography Website: Manthan Gajjar’s Insights