It’s likely to require a lot of hard work, but it is possible to start a low-risk business that has serious potential even with a minimal initiali ...
13 Business Opportunities in Financial Services
Written by: Carolyn Young
Carolyn Young is a business writer who focuses on entrepreneurial concepts and the business formation. She has over 25 years of experience in business roles, and has authored several entrepreneurship textbooks.
Edited by: Mark Stewart
Mark Stewart is the in-house Certified Public Accountant, an accomplished author and financial media specialist.
Published on April 1, 2023

Do you have a degree in finance or serious accounting skills? If so, now is a great time to start your own financial business and stop driving somebody else’s business success. Financial services of all kinds are in demand and come with great profit potential.
The world of finance offers many business opportunities, and in this handy guide, you’ll find 12 financial business ideas that can put you on your way to financial success.
1. Bookkeeping

If your background is in accounting, you could start your own bookkeeping firm, providing valuable services to small businesses. It’s much easier to start a bookkeeping firm than an accounting firm, and you can still make a healthy living. You can generally charge $500 to $2,000 per client per month, depending on the complexity of their bookkeeping needs. If you have advanced accounting skills, you could offer more services, such as financial statement preparation, to boost your revenue even more.
2. Tax Preparation

The dreaded “t” word causes endless stress, and most people prefer not to do their taxes on their own. If you have the relevant knowledge, you could prepare tax returns for individuals and businesses, even from your own home. Fees for preparing a return can range from $300 to $1,000, depending on complexity. And you won’t only have work early in the year, as many individuals and businesses file quarterly taxes.
3. Financial Advisory Firm

Financial advisors offer investment and retirement planning advice and handle their clients’ transactions. Several licenses may be required, depending what you offer, but you’ll earn robust fees and commissions. Financial advisory firms can be extremely profitable in a US market worth nearly $60 billion, so maybe it’s time to make the move.
4. Money Lending

“Neither a borrower nor a lender be,” Shakespeare warned. Yet many have ignored his advice and today non-bank loans represent a $7 billion US industry. You could make good money with your own money lending business, as you’ll charge a higher interest rate and fees than those charged by banks because of the additional risk involved. If you don’t have your own money to lend, you can raise it from investors, and they’ll get a share of the fees and interest paid.
5. Budgeting Service

Individuals, families, and businesses often struggle with their budget. Budgeting for a business is even more complex, so with your financial background you’ll be in great demand and could help individuals and small business owners. Budget consultants for individuals make about $90,000 per year on average, but that number can be far higher if you work for businesses.
6. Venture Capital Firm

A venture capital firm raises money from investors to build a fund that invests in new business ideas. They’re often formed by entrepreneurs that have had a successful exit from their own business and now want to invest. Owning a venture capital firm can be very rewarding beyond the financial, as you’ll be creating jobs and helping people achieve their dreams.
7. Online Payment Service

The world is going cashless as more and more people opt for digital payments. If you have a software background in addition to your financial background, you could create a payment service that becomes the next PayPal! Or you could develop a payment app like Venmo or CashApp. All three companies bring in healthy revenue from fees charged. You’d just have to find your special niche.
8. Accounting Software

Along the same lines, nearly all business owners use some sort of accounting software. If you can design and develop accounting software that meets the needs of businesses, there’s no limit to how big you can grow. The accounting software market is growing rapidly, on its way toward $40 billion, so capturing a share of that market could be quite lucrative.
9. Online Finance Courses

If you want to share your knowledge and experience, you could build your own online finance curriculum on a learning site like Coursera or Skillshare. Most online courses are self-study, so once your courses are online, there’s not much to do but answer students’ questions and watch the money roll in. Some successful online course creators earn six figures of fairly passive income.
10. Business Brokerage

Business brokers represent people who are buying or selling a business and help negotiate and finalize the transaction. They earn a commission when the sale is complete. In some states, you need a real estate license to be a business broker, but otherwise, there’s no licensing requirement. Business brokerage is a billion-dollar US industry, with some brokers bringing in seven figures.
11. Stock Day Trading

Day traders buy and sell stocks often, capitalizing on short-term price changes in the market. To be a successful day trader, you must be well versed in the stock market, and even then, day trading is risky. Of course, it can be terribly lucrative. It just requires some caution, to only make bets you can cover.
12. Crowdfunding Platform

Crowdfunding is a relatively new concept, allowing entrepreneurs to raise funds from many small investors. A crowdfunding site takes extensive development and a lot of marketing to attract users and donors, but you’ll earn a commission when a business hits its funding goal. Even though it’s new, crowdfunding is already a billion-dollar industry and growing, so you’d be getting in on a hot market.
13. Debt Collection Agency

A debt collection agency is a company that specializes in recovering unpaid debts owed by individuals or businesses. They are typically hired by creditors who have been unsuccessful in collecting these debts themselves.
The agency operates by either directly pursuing the debtor for the amount owed, or by purchasing the debt from the original creditor at a reduced price, aiming to profit by recouping the full amount. Their methods of debt collection can vary, but typically involve making contact via letters, phone calls, or even legal proceedings if necessary.
Despite their sometimes negative image, debt collection agencies play a crucial role in maintaining the health of the financial ecosystem.
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