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How Kay Abdullah Balances Consulting and Yoga for a Fulfilling Career

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Carolyn Young is a business writer who focuses on entrepreneurial concepts and the business formation. She has over 25 years of experience in business roles, and has authored several entrepreneurship textbooks.

How Kay Abdullah Balances Consulting and Yoga for a Fulfilling Career

In today’s entrepreneurial landscape, finding a balance between work and personal passions can feel elusive. Kay Abdullah, a consultant by day and a yoga aerial instructor by night, has mastered this balance, seamlessly blending business acumen with wellness expertise. Her unique journey from boardrooms to yoga mats offers valuable insights for entrepreneurs looking to integrate wellness into their lives and careers. In this interview, Kay shares her experience, challenges, and advice for business owners who aspire to follow a similar path.

Kay Abdullah’s Career Journey

SBS – Can you share your journey from the corporate world to becoming a yoga aerial instructor? What motivated you to pursue this path?

Kay – It all began with a desire for deeper fulfillment and balance. Yoga started as a personal practice to deal with physical ailments and manage stress, but its profound impact on my well-being inspired me to pursue teacher training. The practice reshaped my life and led me to train as a yoga aerial instructor, blending traditional yoga with the dynamic practice of aerial techniques, as well as teaching yoga on a paddleboard in the open waters. Driven by a passion to share the transformative benefits of yoga, I embraced this new path, allowing me to align my career with my values. This allows me to help others find balance and joy while continuing to leverage my business skills and advance my career.

Balancing Consulting and Yoga

SBS – How do you balance your time and energy between your consulting work and yoga instruction?

Kay – Balancing my time and energy between consulting work and teaching yoga involves careful planning and prioritization. I work a 9–5 job four days a week, making sure that my professional responsibilities don’t overlap with my yoga classes and training sessions. Effective time management is crucial, and it’s an ongoing challenge. I use detailed schedules and set clear boundaries to maintain focus and productivity for each role. I also integrate practices from yoga, such as mindfulness and stress management techniques, into my day job to enhance my efficiency and maintain a balanced mindset. Regular self-care and reflection help me stay aligned with my goals, ensuring that I remain energized and passionate in both my professional and instructional roles.

Overcoming Challenges in Transition

SBS – What challenges did you face when transitioning from a traditional business role to incorporating wellness practices into your career?

Kay – Transitioning from a traditional business role to incorporating wellness practices into my career involved several challenges. One major challenge was shifting my mindset from a results-oriented, high-pressure environment to one that embraces mindfulness and holistic well-being. This requires discipline and patience. Another challenge was balancing the demands of corporate expectations with the more flexible, intuitive nature of wellness practices. Additionally, managing the aspects of balancing two distinct roles — ensuring that my business responsibilities and wellness activities complemented each other rather than clashed with each other — proved to be an ongoing challenge. Despite these difficulties, the transition has ultimately enriched both my professional and personal life, leading to a more integrated and fulfilling career.

Wellness Practices for Entrepreneurs

SBS – What advice would you give entrepreneurs looking to incorporate wellness practices into their business model?

Kay – For entrepreneurs looking to incorporate wellness practices into their business model, I would say start by reflecting on your own wellness journey to ensure authenticity in your approach. Introduce small, manageable wellness goals gradually, such as mindfulness breaks or flexible work hours, and build on them as you see positive results. Encourage open conversations about well-being and offer resources like wellness programs. Align these practices with your business goals to enhance productivity and creativity and ensure inclusivity by accommodating diverse needs.

Additionally, I would recommend regularly measuring the impact of your initiatives, being open to feedback, and remaining committed to consistently integrating wellness into your business practices for lasting benefits. Periodically reviewing the effects of these changes ensures you can gauge their effectiveness and make necessary adjustments.

Impact of Yoga on Productivity

SBS – Can you discuss the impact of yoga and wellness on your overall productivity and effectiveness as a consultant?

Kay – Yoga and wellness have had a deeply positive impact on my productivity and effectiveness as a consultant. These practices have brought a sense of calm and clarity to my work, helping me manage stress and stay focused amidst demanding tasks. By integrating yoga and wellness into my routine, I’ve developed a more balanced and mindful approach, which allows me to connect with clients more genuinely and make thoughtful decisions. This enhanced well-being not only boosts my energy and resilience but also fosters a compassionate and effective consulting environment. This enhanced well-being not only boosts my energy and resilience but also fosters a compassionate and effective consulting environment.

Key Lessons from Yoga for Business

SBS – What are some key lessons you’ve learned from your yoga practice that have helped you in your consulting career?

Kay – My yoga practice has imparted several key lessons that have significantly benefited my consulting career. Among these, the importance of mindfulness and staying present has enhanced my ability to focus on the task at hand and respond thoughtfully to client needs. Concepts like “observe and do not react,” “acknowledge and let go,” and the idea that “what you practice within these four walls will be applied beyond them” are central to yoga. These principles train the mind to pause before reacting, ensuring that decisions are made from a place of clarity and calm.

Yoga has also taught me the value of patience and resilience, which helps me navigate complex projects and challenges with a calm demeanor. Additionally, the emphasis on balance and self-care in yoga has reinforced the need for maintaining a healthy work-life balance, allowing me to perform at my best while staying energized and motivated. These lessons collectively contribute to a more thoughtful, effective, and fulfilling consulting practice.

Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

SBS – What strategies do you use to maintain a healthy work-life balance?

Kay – To maintain a healthy work-life balance, I use several approaches. Firstly, I prioritize setting clear boundaries between work and personal time, such as establishing specific work hours and creating a dedicated workspace to physically and mentally separate the two. I use a detailed schedule to organize my day, ensuring that I allocate time for both professional responsibilities and personal activities. Regular breaks and mindfulness practices, such as yoga and meditation, help me manage stress and stay centered.

While it’s natural to occasionally fall out of practice, the most important part is to return to the practice — show up, roll out your mat, get into poses, and focus on your breath. I also prioritize self-care by engaging in activities that rejuvenate me, such as gym training, cooking, exploring cafes, reading, and spending time with loved ones, including my cats. Lastly, I try to regularly evaluate my work-life balance and remain flexible, making adjustments as needed to sustain overall harmony and well-being.

Personal Growth Through Dual Careers

SBS – How has your dual career impacted your personal growth and development?

Kay – Having a dual career has profoundly impacted my personal growth and development in many ways. Balancing the high-pressure demands of consulting with the mindful, nurturing practices of yoga has expanded my skills and perspectives. The contrasting nature of these roles has taught me how to manage time efficiently and stay adaptable, allowing me to thrive in both structured and flexible environments. This experience has also enhanced my emotional intelligence, as working closely with clients in consulting and engaging with students in yoga has deepened my empathy and communication skills.

Moreover, the dual career has provided me with a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment. Integrating my professional expertise with my passion for wellness has created a more meaningful and balanced approach to life, where I can contribute to others’ well-being while pursuing my own growth. The challenges and successes in both areas have encouraged continuous learning, self-reflection, and personal transformation. This dynamic balance has not only enriched my personal life but also created a sense of harmony and satisfaction that permeates all aspects of my being.

Advice for Pursuing Your Passion

SBS – What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant to pursue their passion because they are afraid of leaving their current career path?

Kay – If you’re hesitant to pursue your passion due to fear of leaving your current career, begin by reflecting on your values and long-term goals to see if they align with your passion. Begin exploring your interest in small, manageable ways while maintaining your current role, which can build your confidence and assess your commitment. Subsequently, evaluate the potential rewards of pursuing your passion against the risks, and seek guidance from mentors or career coaches for support. Following that, I would encourage you to develop a clear transition plan, embrace the possibility of failure as a learning experience, and visualize the positive impact on your life to stay motivated. I know it may seem easy yet hard to implement, however, the first step is to simply begin. Taking these steps can help you move forward thoughtfully and confidently toward a more fulfilling career.

Future Plans for Consulting and Yoga

SBS – What future plans or goals do you have for your consulting and yoga instruction businesses?

Kay – In consulting, my goal is to advance my role by taking on greater responsibilities and leading my teams through a variety of projects. I aim to ensure the seamless transition and execution of these projects, from initiation through to completion. I also plan to become more actively involved in the firm’s operations, contributing to practice development, team growth, and other areas.

As for yoga, I am excited to continue to deepen my expertise by pursuing advanced certifications. I hope to create innovative and immersive experiences that combine physical practice with holistic wellness. Additionally, I plan to reintroduce online classes and workshops to reach a wider audience and enhance accessibility to yoga.

Overall, my goal is to continue growing in a way that harmonizes my professional skills with my passion for wellness, ultimately enriching the lives of those I work with and helping them achieve a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.


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How Kay Abdullah Balances Consulting and Yoga for a Fulfilling Career